Saturday 12 August 2017

Create a class called ship that incorporates a ship’s number and location. Use the approach of Exercise 8 to number each ship object as it is created. Use two variables of the angle class from Exercise 7 to represent the ship’s latitude and longitude. A member function of the ship class should get a position from the user and store it in the object; another should report the serial number and position. Write a main() program that creates three ships, asks the user to input the position of each, and then displays each ship’s number and position. SOLUTION: #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ship { private: int s_num, degrees; static int count; float mints; char direc; public: ship( ) { count++; s_num=count; } void get_position( ) { cout << "Enter Position of Ship " << s_num << ": "; cin >> degrees >> mints >> direc; } void show_ship( ) const { cout << "Ship Number " << s_num << "is at the position of "; cout << degrees << "\xF8" << mints << "' " << direc << endl; } }; int ship::count=0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main( ) { ship ship1,ship2,ship3; cout << "Input the Positions in Degrees, Minutes & Direction Format.\n"; ship1.get_position( ); ship2.get_position( ); ship3.get_position( ); ship1.show_ship( ); ship2.show_ship( ); ship3.show_ship( ); system("pause"); } OUTPUT:

Create a class called ship that incorporates a ship’s number and location. Use the approach of Exercise 8 to number each ship object as it is created. Use two variables of the angle class from Exercise 7 to represent the ship’s latitude and longitude. A member function of the ship class should get a position from the user and store it in the object; another should report the serial number and position. Write a main() program that creates three ships, asks the user to input the position of each, and then displays each ship’s number and position.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;
class ship
                        int s_num, degrees;       static int count;              float mints;             char direc;
                        ship( )       {   count++;         s_num=count;  }
                        void get_position( )
cout << "Enter Position of Ship " << s_num << ": ";
cin >> degrees >> mints >> direc;
                        void show_ship( ) const
                                    cout << "Ship Number " << s_num << "is at the position of ";
                                    cout << degrees << "\xF8" << mints << "' " << direc << endl;
int ship::count=0;
void main( )
            ship ship1,ship2,ship3;
            cout << "Input the Positions in Degrees, Minutes & Direction Format.\n";
            ship1.get_position( );               ship2.get_position( );               ship3.get_position( );
            ship1.show_ship( );
            ship2.show_ship( );
            ship3.show_ship( );